The Winnipeg Free Press!
Today in the Winnipeg Free Press, starting on the Front Page, is an article with Kyle and I!
So basically, when I woke up this morning, it was because my to-be-mother-in-law, had been told by Kyle to wake me.
"Why on earth... " were the words going through my head... O mean, I was tired, and I didn't have to get up for another hour...
Then he told me that he had been contacted by a radio program, that wanted to interview us because of our article!!
It was only then, that I realized that we had been written about.
The article had been printed and TODAY was going to be bigger than any other planning day so far!
I immediately jumped out of bed and went to my computer to check it out online! I found it on the Free Press website... and through puppy-dog breath, read it aloud to my 'to-be' mother in law! Almost too fast because I kept having mouth malfunctions while I read!
It is stunningly written, and tastefully expresses what we, as a couple, are doing for our wedding! Lindor Reynolds has very well written our story, explaining how a sponsored wedding works, how many sponsors we have, and the reasons why we are having this kind of wedding! A HUGE 'thank you' to Lindor Reynolds, at the Winnipeg Free Press, for all your hard work! You are divine!
I have to say, that it was a lot of work to have this article written. You see, many people believe that their opinion or personal filter has a lot to do with what is acceptable in todays day and age. They believe that through one person's so called 15 minutes of fame, has the right to be judged by them.
In all honesty, I find it really funny. Its almost like a social experiment.
Yet not.
To clear a few things up... just a few of the questions that have been seen in comments...
1. Lynzie (me) not working. We moved to Manitoba in January of this year. I believe it was 3 months ago, yesterday. We do not live in the city, we live in a rural farm town, in Niverville. Although I have looked for work, we decided that I would put my efforts into a sponsored wedding, in an effort to minimize the cost of the wedding. We believe that this will benefit us more, in the long run. We might be wrong, but its what we decided to do.
2. Christians. I believe judgement, from every angle, needs to come from God and not from man. Kyle and I are Christians. We love God whole-heartedly. Anyone who would choose to judge us or what we are doing, should first filter their judgement through God, and then allow the Holy Spirit to guide their decision to judge in the first place.
3. Contact. Comments have been made regarding us, our relationship, Kyle's sexuality, and the like... yet few have actually sought us out and contacted us personally. They would rather state their opinions of us, on a website for the world to see, rather than ask the question that they dare not be judged for asking, to us, to our faces. To those of you who have contacted us directly... thank you, your efforts are not un-noticed.
Kyle and I do not want to appear to be hiding anything. If anyone has a question for us, about us, our wedding, our stunning generous sponsors, what sponsorship is like or so on... Please don't hesitate to contact us ( or leave us a message.
As for the good that has come form this... we are honoured and extatic to say that in the next 48 hours, you will hear about 3 new sponsors and what their sponsorship will look like.
3 new sponsors... selah moment. wow.
Praise be to God for answering our prayers and providing what we couldn't.
The Bible talks about vision, direction, blessing, prosperity, work and wise counsel.
For those who have placed the 'christian card' on the table.
A few verses:
- Psalm 1
- Deuteronomy 28:1-14
- Philippians 4:19
- Deuteronomy 8:18
Thank you to all who are supporting what we are doing. We love you, we honour you, and we look forward to doing this great journey of life with you!
Keep smiling... we are! :)