Good Thursday Morning to all our Blog readers...
Firstly, let me extent a HUGE "I'm Sorry!" for not blogging sooner. I have to admit that this past week and a bit had been extremely FULL, and although I have meant to write, even in the last 48 hours... until this moment, I have not had head space to sort out the WHAT, or the HOW...
That said, I will NOT make this blog extensive, only long enough to mention one or two things that have happened... I will use the next few days to highlight a few things, so that its not all overwhelming... ha ha.
The response that we have received from the article that was put out by The Winnipeg Free Press, and the interview with HOT103, was wonderful. The discussion regarding what we are doing, is interesting, and its great to see that people are open to the concept. Now, there are those that are not, but that is okay, they are entitled to their own opinions.
The thing that I found the funniest, was that we were contacted by a woman in Brandon Manitoba. She had come across a thread from the eBrandon website, and sent it my way. In reading it, I found myself laughing. There were so many judgements made; discussion regarding the basis of our faith, our relationship with God, Kyle's sexuality... It is also funny to note that the basis of argument regarding that site, was simply this... you don't personally know us, and can't know us by simply reading our blog, or looking at our sites. We are doing our best to express ourselves, but to completely know us, you would need to build relationship with us. To that end, that's it. I don't think I really need to comment more on it.
Yet, from this publicity, we have been able to take a look at a number of different potential sponsors, and brought a few of those on board with our wedding! We are really excited, after having met with some of them, that they will be our sponsors!
Keep watch, as in the next few days, I will be mentioning their names, who they are, their contact details, and the story of how they have become our sponsors!
Until then... Stay Blessed!
Lynzie :)