A Sponsored Wedding:
In looking at a few of the comments I have had from a few people on our Facebook Fan Page, and various conversations... I think I need to set some records straight.
Yours and many other peoples question is... What is a Sponsored Wedding?!
Let me tell you. (or you can research it yourself and spend hours pouring over articles, getting no where and finding dead end sites with little information... I would suggest sticking to reading this)
In short, a Sponsored Wedding literally means that the couple getting married, seeks out sponsorship from local and international companies that they would normally hire, in exchange for publicity and advertisement opportunities. Whether it is the entire service or product that is sponsored, or simply a portion of it, that is what is negotiated between the company and the couple. In the end, the cost of the nuptials and celebration on the Wedding day, are significantly less, leaving the couple with less of a dent in their pocket books, more finances to put towards their future, or honeymoon, and the companies who have sponsored the wedding, have had some good 'hot contact' publicity (within the Wedding itself, in the hands of the guests) and some good 'cool contact' through magazine articles, newspaper write-ups, the local news, and internet social networking. All in all, a good show for all, in the end.
In current experience of having one... A Sponsored Wedding pushes the Wedding Couple to the max. It can become a full time job, if you are not aware of what you are getting into. If you have never written a commercial business proposal, you may be in over your head... so be careful and ensure that you know what you are getting into. The other thing to remember is that you have to be prepared to hear this word, said in the kindest of ways, 'No'; and not be offended by it. There are many people out there that seem to be stuck on the notion that a Sponsored Wedding goes completely against all Wedding etiquette, and embarrasses the couple throwing all reason for having a Wedding out the door... I don't think that anyone who has ever complained about a Sponsored Wedding has ever paid for a real Wedding... A couple that seeks to have a Sponsored Wedding is ready to commercialize their wedding, in hopes that it will draw attention to their Sponsors, not themselves. A Sponsored Wedding should never be about the couple... (SHOCK, HORRER!!!) It's true. The most successful Sponsored Weddings will showcase the companies that are Sponsoring their Wedding, as a tool to help local companies gain recognition.
In all honesty, every single company that has agreed to Sponsor our Wedding, is local. They have great talent, and for this, we want to help them get further, and advertise where they would possibly never be able to afford to! I am very proud of the companies that have decided to be our Sponsors, and I am in good hopes that they will not be let down, rather, that they will gain great recognition for their work, and be showcased.
I have every intention of introducing you to the lovely companies who are having a piece of Wedding history, and will draw attention to them in the blog posts to come. I also hope to express the true emotion that putting together a Sponsored Wedding, encompasses, because its fun to capture the excitement of the stages of a wedding, in the written word...
Don't forget to check out our Wedding Webpage... www.mywedding.com/kyleandlynzie and follow us on twitter www.twitter.com/KLsponsrdweddn and becoming our Fan on Facebook... They are all linked and Kyle and I are very proud to take you on this journey we are on towards having a stunning, lush, and enchantedly elegant Sponsored Wedding!!
lots of love... lynzie xxx